Thank you for visiting our website and welcome to Damascus Road Christian Assembly, where Jesus Christ is always the guest of honor. Being our honored guest, we place an emphasis on pleasing Him. We seek to accomplish this through our worship. True worship is done in “spirit and in truth”. Therefore, you can expect our music which consists of “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” both old and new, to be theological, full of heartfelt adoration, emotion, and always worthy of our Savior.
Furthermore, you can expect expository preaching, because these sermons are the most effective at teaching Biblical truth which produces a Biblical literate congregation.
We are a family friendly church, which not only values the presence of our children in the service, but also their active participation in it. Our hope and desire is that all who come would feel the love of Jesus Christ through the warmth of His people, and that they would also feel the presence of Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit. We look forward to you coming and worshiping with us.
Pastor Jesse Miller
Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto God
If you want to learn more about the Word of God, you’re in the right place. Read more to learn how you can know Him more and grow in your faith!
Online Bible
Click the icon to view the Word of God in your favorite version. Also, choose your language as needed. His mercies are new every morning!
Damascus Road Christian Assembly Blog
Click the icon for great daily encouragement and verses that will help you grow in wisdom and faith.
Photo Gallery
Click this icon to find valuable photos that will encourage and uplift you. God calls us to go into ALL the World with His message!
Join us every Sunday Pre-Morning Prayer 8:30 AM and Morning Service at 10:00 AM to worship with us!
We look forward to meeting you in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!
Visit Us
974 Tillman Ln.
Gardnerville, NV 89460 - Church: 775-265-3544
- Pastor: 775-790-5144
Sunday Morning Service:
10:00 AM - Sunday Pre-Morning Prayer: 8:30AM
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